10 July 2009

Amazing Digits!

Song listening to : Backstreet Boys - Drowning (A little classical, but still AweSome! agree, agree?? =D)

I received this a few days back on email. This is truly amazing!
So let me blog it out to share~~~

On August 7 , 2009

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Amaze your friends, be the first to tell them,

At 12hr 34 minutes and 56 seconds on the 7th of August
this year, the time and date will be

12:34:56 07/08/09

This will never happen in your life again!!!!

Haha! Awesome eh??

Another one to share..

AMAZING: Is this your handphone number?

Try this out... Quite surprisingly that u will be able to find such a

genius could come out with this formula...

Is this your handphone number?

1) key-in the first 3 digits of your handphone number (not the 01x

number) into the calculator

2) multiply by 80

3) add 1

4) multiply by 250

5) plus last four digits of phone number

6) plus last four digits of phone number again

7) minus 250

8) Finally, divide by 2

Is this your handphone number ???

Ok that, all about emails! Lunch time~~!!! =D

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