Song listening to : Nicholas Teo - Only One and Wang Lan Yin - E Zuo Ju
Ehemmmm.. ehemmmm.. As promised.. Here it is! *coughs*
The Highlights of Gary's Bday Party....
25 February 2009 - Wednesday
The weather was fine..... and chatted with Gary on msn until....we could hear some thunderstorms..
Uh oh!! *Grooooomm groooooommmmm!!* There it went again... and then, we prayed for fine weather, well...... it didn't turned out as a 'fine weather' but.. nevermind lah.. slight drizzle.. LOL!
One of the most successful things that happened was, all, well... nearly all of us were wearing red shirt/t-shirt/sleeveless/whatever, except the birthday boy himself... black!
Haha.. totally colour contrast!!!!!!
I still remember the night before..well, since the party had passed and it's no longer Gary's bday now, I guess I wanna spoil a little.. heh!
Was having a group chat on msn..and... The following conversations may not be accurate, but ada isi can dy laaaa...
Gary : So tmrw, what colour??
Ming Zhe : Black
Ming Zhe : Black
Ming Zhe : Black
Ming Zhe : Black
Ming Zhe : Black
Ming Zhe : Black
(and he was spamming all the way.....)
while in another convo,
Mau : Ehhh, I thought red??
Ming Zhe : Yala, con that fler..
Ming Zhe : Red
Ming Zhe : Red
Ming Zhe : Red
Ming Zhe : Red
Ming Zhe : Red
Ming Zhe : Red
Ming Zhe : Red
(and he kept on spamming.....)
and so, that's how it all happened... haha! Sorry la, Gary!!
In Jusco windmill, the place was cold, since it was raining, technically, drizzling....
Had lots of chats and laughters! A lot of happy moments too! =)
Party attended by 12 guys and 3 girls...There were many camera-men/women!!
haha.. Papparazi nite!
Picture time!
(I know ur camera bigger than mine lah.. lol!)
Aiya.. can't use the word ALL.. nvm lah..
MOSTLY Red! Bday boy nia black! LOL! =)