13 February 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Song listening to : My Astro - 大日子

Ohhhhh yeahhh!! I can feel the Chinese New Year mood in the air!! Hahaha!!

12 February 2010 - Friday

Lessons were on as usual until 11.00am.. Had to go to the hall for some short gathering and CNY assembly in Melaka High School..
Well as usual, the teachers in the school like to deliver speeches....
Ohhh, I felt delighted(because he was ending his long speech) when the principal said :

Sebelum saya mengundurkan diri saya,
saya mewakili diri saya sendiri dan
semua guru SMK Tinggi Melaka mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Cina dan Gong Xi Fa Cai kepada semua pelajar!

Hahahaaaaaa! Yay!! It's the holidays, baybeh!! =)

Immediately after that, we (Kit Fai, Jared, Swee Jin, Gary, Xin Er, Derrick and myself) went for the movie..................

at 12.20pm in GSC DP!

Wow, the movie's good! Hilarious and romantic!
Worth a watch!!
Let's just say the 3 words everybody wanna hear :

Let's get naked!!

LOL! The funny thing was, when Taylor Lautner appeared, the girls went screaming and adoring this bugger...
but there's also another thing....
when Taylor Swift appeared, the guys went screaming (at least I did..heh!) and whistling pheww-witt!!
RM 6 was sure worth it for this movie.. haha!! =P

13 February 2010 - Saturday (CNY eve)

Went for some last minute shopping in the malls...met Michael and Lay Cheng while walking... after that, done more spring cleaning!!!
Wuhhhh, it was tiring but sure worth the effort! heh!
at night, had a reunion dinner at aunt's place!
Oh, it's so great to see my grandpa, still in good health and still strong! =)
and of course, enjoyed the dinner with every family members! yummm!~~ =D

Well then, enough said..... let me end this post with.....

Selamat Tahun Baru Cina!!!
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!
Xin Nian Kuai Le!!!
Wan Shi Ru Yi!!!
and another 1 introduced by Siva a.k.a. Bapa Sejarah
Bon Nouvel Chinois
to everyone!!!

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